Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Outdoor Wednesday. . .Yard and Garden Art

A child's rocking chair painted with bright yellow sunflowers!
How about this rusty old push lawnmower spilling over
with trailing plants!
Loved this bright colored container
packed with fun plants!
This was so cool, a 'living' table, complete
with dinner and stem ware!

A rustic wooden chair made into a planter. . .
A simple garden shelf painted in a bright color
to house and display pots and plants.
Some clever artist added a little extra 'bling'
to this old wheel giving it a bit more character!
A runaway shopping cart sprayed bright red
add some moss and plants, taaadaaa. . .garden art!
This seems to be a popular trend this season, 'yard critters'
made from rock and metal!
These photos were taken at Edwards in Boise, Idaho!
Hope you enjoyed the tour, thanks for coming along. . .

Join in by clicking on the link below


  1. Calling by to visit another Outdoor Wednesday participant, it is a delight to share your examples of garden art.

  2. I just love to see items re-purposed in a garden. Great photos! Some of these items need to come live in my garden. :)

  3. everything looks so bright and colorful. I saw an old clawfoot bathtub filled with flowers in Ireland.

  4. What fun pieces...I especially like the table and the critter is cool too.

    Thank you for stopping by to visit me earlier this week..To answer your question about my the suitcase in my header, yes it is in my garden, we found the old suitcase/footlocker in our barn but it was too far gone to use inside the house, so into the garden it went :)

    Blessings Kelsie

  5. looks lovely and so bright! Happy weekend!

  6. I almost bought an old shopping cart last week. Why didn't I?! Great photos.

  7. Thanks for the fun tour. I love the table!
