Sunday, June 20, 2010

Patio and Veranda Gardens. . .I Love Mosaic Monday!

Something about this visual. . .small space but very appealing!

I've become obsessed lately with gardening, I just can't
seem to get enough.
We are trying to do some renovations in our yard this summer.
 I've been pouring through magazines and books,
googling ideas, visiting garden centers, and checking out
other 'bloggers sites' and creative yardscaping!
So I hope I'm not boring everyone to death with all the yard photos.
With any luck, and a lotta hard work, I'll be able to
'show and tell' later in the season!
If you know of any fun gardening blogs or magazines
I hope you'll share!
Have a great week and head on over to
Dear Little Red House
Mary always has beautiful photos and lots of great links!


  1. Just love the photos! Gardening is a passion of mine too! I think we attempt to bring a bit of paradise to our lives and homes. Happy searching and hunting!
    God Bless,

  2. Gardening is an addiction. I know, because I'm obsessed too. :)

  3. I love gardening too! Have you seen blondegardener's posts on Rate My Space? She is an artist!
    I also have some posts of my garden, basement patio, and patio in the woods on my blog.

  4. we all have those moments, mine usually comes before it gets hot during the summer, love those photos! a vista to enjoy. hope you have a great week...verbena cottage

  5. Lots of lovely inspiration in your mosiac.

  6. They are all beautiful photos, it would be tough to choose one out of all these pretty spaces.

  7. Well I never tire of beautiful outdoor photos, I would take any of them. Keep em comin girlfriend!
    Hugs, Sara

  8. Absolutely lovely photos!! I wish I could sit down & relax in each area.
